
Stratsmith helps organizations to ensure its long-term viability by balancing economic, social, and environmental responsibilities. Our main goal is to create value for the organizations and stakeholders while reducing negative impacts and preserving natural resources for future generations. Some common elements of a sustainability strategy include reducing waste, increasing energy efficiency, promoting renewable energy, and engaging stakeholders in the decision-making process.

Stratsmith helps businesses to choose the model that best suits their needs and goals, or help them adopt a combination of models to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy. Some of the popular models are:

Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Model

This model focuses on three key sustainability elements: economic, social, and environmental. The TBL model emphasizes the importance of balancing financial performance with social and environmental considerations.

Sustainable Business Model Canvas (SBMC)

The SBMC is a visual tool that helps organizations to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy by mapping out the key components of their business model and identifying how they can be made more sustainable.

Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Model

This model aims to create products and processes that are circular and regenerative, reducing waste and preserving natural resources. The C2C model encourages organizations to design products with the goal of keeping materials in use for as long as possible.

Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) Model

The NCA model takes into account the natural resources that an organization uses and the impact it has on the environment. The NCA model helps organizations to understand the true cost of their operations and identify ways to reduce their impact on the environment

Eco-Efficiency Model

This model emphasizes the importance of reducing the environmental impact of an organization's operations while improving its overall efficiency and competitiveness. The Eco-Efficiency model encourages organizations to adopt resource-efficient practices and processes.

Every business arrives at a turn point in its journey toward a future that is more sustainable, responsible, and egalitarian. Most executives are aware that opportunities are dynamic and integrating business responsibility and sustainability practices may prove to be beneficial in the long run. 

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